Author Guidelines


Köz-gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy invites submissions in the field of economic theory and policy, covering various subjects such as political economy, globalization economics, Central-Eastern European economic issues, industrial policy, history of economic thought, and business economics. To ensure a prompt and streamlined publication process, it is strongly recommended to thoroughly examine the subsequent information. Manuscripts that do not meet the specified format and content requirements will be returned to the authors for necessary revisions.


Duplicate Publication

The journal exclusively considers manuscripts that have not been previously published and are not concurrently under review by another scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. Manuscripts that have not undergone a peer review process, appearing on personal or institutional websites or preprint servers, presented at conferences, or made available through other informal communication channels are not deemed instances of prior publication. Consequently, we accept submissions that have been previously available in these formats.


Article Types


Editorials accompanying special issues fulfil the role of introducing the central theme and summarizing the findings delineated in the individual articles.

This section does not accept submissions and is not subjected to peer review.


The Interviews section offers in-depth discussions with prominent figures, scholars, and policymakers. Interviewees explore their perspectives and experiences, offering readers valuable insights into contemporary economic issues, policy implications, and theoretical advancements within the discipline.

This section does not accept submissions and is not subjected to peer review.


The Essays section offers insightful analyses and reflections on key issues and debates within the field. Authors present nuanced perspectives, theoretical insights, and policy implications, providing readers with valuable contributions to ongoing discussions and advancements in economic theory and policy.

This section accepts submissions and is subjected to peer review.


The Articles section features original contributions to the field of economic theory and policy, including empirical studies, theoretical analyses, experimental research, and policy implications. Authors present novel findings, methodologies, and insights, fostering critical discussions and contributing to the development and refinement of economic theories and policies.

This section accepts submissions and is subjected to peer review.

Pedagogical Practices

The Pedagogical Practices section encompasses insights and strategies related to teaching and learning in economic theory and policy. Authors share effective instructional methods, innovative approaches, and experiences, providing a valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance their pedagogical techniques and enrich the educational experience for students.

This section accepts submissions and is subjected to peer review.

Book Reviews

The Book Reviews section presents critical evaluations of recently published books in economic theory and policy, offering concise summaries and assessments. Authors provide insights into the relevance, contributions, and potential impact of the reviewed books, enriching readers' understanding of current literature in the field.

This section accepts submissions and is not subjected to peer review.


Format and Content Requirements

The format and content requirements utilized by the journal can be accessed by clicking on the provided links below:

Format and Content Requirements (ENG)

Formai és tartalmi követelmények (HUN)

Excel Template

Word Template


Peer Review Process

The journal employs a double-blind review process prior to publication, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers throughout the evaluation phase. The objective is to render an initial decision within three months of manuscript submission. However, the duration of the review process may extend beyond this approximate timeframe, contingent upon the availability of suitable reviewers or unforeseen circumstances. Reviewers are encouraged to furnish constructive criticism, even in cases where the article is deemed unsuitable for publication.

Stages of the Peer Review Process

  • Authors are mandated to submit their manuscripts via email attachments to either or
  • The editorial team reviews all submissions to ensure alignment with the journal's focus and scope. Inappropriate papers are promptly declined.
  • Submitted articles deemed suitable undergo a comprehensive double-blind review process. The reviewers' evaluation encompasses an assessment of adherence to the journal's criteria, a detailed textual evaluation, and a final decision falling into one of the subsequent categories:
    • The study is accepted without changes and recommended for publication.
    • The study is accepted with minor corrections and recommended for publication.
    • The study is accepted for publication, but major revisions are requested.
    • The study is not suitable for publication.
  • In instances where revisions are recommended, authors are required to resubmit their revised manuscripts along with a designated form detailing their responses to reviewers' comments.
  • If major revisions are advised by the reviewers, the revised manuscripts undergo a subsequent round of peer review. Conversely, if only minor revisions are specified, the editorial team assesses the revised manuscripts.
  • If revisions align with reviewers' requests and adhere to author guidelines, manuscripts proceed to further editing and are recommended for publication in the journal.

Kindly be advised that the editorial team extensively considers the comments and decisions provided by reviewers. Nevertheless, particularly in cases where reviewers present conflicting judgments, the editorial team retains the right to make the ultimate determination regarding the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.

Evaluation Criteria

A form outlining the evaluation criteria employed in the peer review process can be accessed here.


How to Submit a Manuscript

The manuscript may be submitted by e-mail to either of the following email addresses: or Submissions should include the complete manuscript text along with a separate file containing editable versions of the figures.