Estonia, Regional Challenges and State Brand
This research paper illustrates the study of Brand Estonia and the means used by Estonia to tackle its regional challenges. By analyzing the national Operation Programme for the EU Cohesion Policy Funds, Regional Development Strategy 2020, Estonia 2020 Action Plan and projects Brand Estonia & Enterprise Estonia, research identifies main regional challenges of Estonia, the ways Estonia uses political marketing strategy, and role of cohesion funds in order to successfully implement project Brand Estonia. The main aim of the European Cohesion Policy is to increase the competitiveness of the countries and regions. Political marketing represents a market-oriented approach in the theory of international relations and is based on the brand strategy in order to increase the competitiveness of the nations. Using two main approaches, technical-economic and political, nation-states are seen to operate in a global competitive context. The paper shows direct connection how Estonia is using Cohesion Funds to sponsor its political marketing strategy with a purpose to increase competitiveness and gain economic and political power within the region.