The V4 railway cooperation – Is there a homogeneous Visegrad Railway Area? –

  • Bálint László Tóth Th e Author serves as an international relations expert at MÁV Hungarian State Railways Co. and is a bursar researcher, lecturer and PhD student at the Corvinus University of Budapest (International Relations Multidisciplinary Doctoral School). Th e assertions and conclusions proposed in this paper are the Author’s own and do not represent the opinions, positions or strategies of MÁV Hungarian State Railways Co. Th e paper was elaborated with the support of the EFOP-3.6.3.-VEKOP-16-2017-00007 program.


Th is paper intends to provide a comprehensive overview of the railway policies the Visegrad Group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic)2 has followed since its accession to the European Union. On account of their central geographical position in Europe, these four states have numerous strategic, economic, cultural and historical features in common that have provided a solid platform for a joint transport planning based on shared interests.

How to Cite
Tóth, B. (2019). The V4 railway cooperation – Is there a homogeneous Visegrad Railway Area? –. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 13(3), 158-177. Retrieved from