Can NATO Be Considered as an International Regime?

  • Oleg Tankovsky PhD student, Corvinus University of Budapest
Keywords: international regime theory, hegemon stability, military interest, NATO, F42, F50, F53


In the following paper, with the assistance of the international regime theory and hegemonic stability theory, a better understanding of the formation and creation of NATO is provided. The topic is linked to the ongoing debate about its future and to the high tensions currently taking place in Eastern Ukraine. The paper forms the hypothesis that NATO has been created to advocate the interest of the US. Based on qualitative research methodology, the main conclusion is that the current hegemon status of the US is under threat, which is resulting in higher maintenance costs.

How to Cite
Tankovsky, O. (2024). Can NATO Be Considered as an International Regime?. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 19(2), 100-114.