Economic Relations Between China and ASEAN: The Shadow of the South China Sea Issue

  • Ahmad Anwar PhD student, Corvinus University of Budapest; Assistant Professor, Universitas Sains Al Qur’an
Keywords: China-ASEAN, South China Sea, economic relations, F15, F51


China-ASEAN relations have experienced remarkable growth and transformation over the past few decades, driven by China's emergence as a global economic powerhouse and ASEAN's dynamic regional integration efforts. However, the South China Sea issue has cast a persistent shadow over their economic partnership. This paper examines the economic relations between China and ASEAN and the impact of the issue on these relations. Employing a multi-faceted approach, the paper finds that the South China issue had a negative impact on China-ASEAN economic relations, leading to tensions and disputes, a potential economic loss, a hindered economic integration, and a more cautious approach from ASEAN countries in their economic relations with China.

How to Cite
Anwar, A. (2024). Economic Relations Between China and ASEAN: The Shadow of the South China Sea Issue. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 19(1), 23-37.