The Role of Education, in Particular Universities, in Encouraging Young People to Become Entrepreneurs

  • Gábor Kerékgyártó Assistant Research Fellow, Corvinus University of Budapest
Keywords: entrepreneurship, economic education, higher eucation, JEL Codes: A20, L26, I23, I25, O15


The labour market is in constant transformation, requiring today's youth to prepare for increasingly dynamic career paths. In the European Union, including Hungary, the role of education in supporting young people's entrepreneurial development is becoming a matter of rising importance. Research findings only seem to agree that there is a complex and hardto- detect link between entrepreneurship education and the number of successful businesses started by young people. When going through the literature, it is important to distinguish between the impact on the entrepreneurial intention from the results achieved in real action, while also being able to identify the role of prior studies in the success of the enterprises launched by young people and to separate it from family and other external factors.

How to Cite
Kerékgyártó, G. (2022). The Role of Education, in Particular Universities, in Encouraging Young People to Become Entrepreneurs. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 17(3), 39-58.