Migratory Links between Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Great Britain between 1990-2015

  • Tilek Bakytbekov


This study tried to investigate the migratory linked between Cyprus, UK Turkey and Greece.
The focus was Cyprus because the country is known for its ethnic conflicts since the Turkish
invasion in 1974 and the collapse of the republic of Cyprus which lead to migration of Cyprus
people to UK, Turkey and Greece. The migration from Cyprus to UK was mainly the result
of their Colonial ties and to turkey and Greece because most of them are ethnical Greeks and
Turkish. The number of female migrants from and to UK were more than that of male.

How to Cite
Bakytbekov, T. (2019). Migratory Links between Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Great Britain between 1990-2015. Köz-Gazdaság - Review of Economic Theory and Policy, 14(3). Retrieved from https://retp.eu/index.php/retp/article/view/196